Chapter 13 Rehabilitation of the Injured Combatant Vol 2 Physical Fitness and Physical Training for Military Performance
INTRODUCTION Despite the rapid modernization of weapon systems and technological advancements in war-fighting capability, the military profession remains physical in nature. Considerable emphasis is placed on physical training, physical capacity, and ultimately , on physical readiness, regardless of the specific role or occupation that the service member may fill. Irrespective of peacetime or wartime, service members must be prepared to defend themselves and others about them, and to react to emergencies as they may occur. Like other organizations dealing with emergencies , such as police and firefighters, the military services emphasize physical fitness for purposes of discipline, morale, health maintenance, and physical appearance in addition to the traditional role of meeting the physical demands of the job. Thus, despite the many changes toward automation, mobility , and weapons of mass destruction, the military remains a physical force with an emphasis on high levels of fitness through formal physical training programs. Fitness was highlighted and emphasized to all the military services in 1981 when the Department of Defense (DoD) issued a new directive on physical fitness and weight control. The directive states: Physical fitness is a vital component of combat readiness and is essential to the general health and well-being of armed forces personnel. Individual members must possess the stamina and strength to perform successfully any potential mission. These qualities, together with weight control, form the basis of the DoD physical fitness program. 1 An understanding of physical fitness, and physical performance and its development through physical training should be an integral part of the training of military physiatrists. An understanding of normal muscle and exercise function must be present before one can repair, treat, and rehabilitate the injured. The term " physical fitness " is an often abused term that requires some attention and definition. Ability to perform physically demanding tasks is a function of two groups of factors: (1) factors that determine the capacity for muscular contraction, and (2) factors that relate to the neural control of body movement. The latter, which may be most correctly referred to as motor fitness, includes the components of neuromuscular control, such as coordination, speed, agility, and skill, which are achieved primarily through repeated practice. The first group of factors, commonly referred to as physical fitness, are those associated with the energy generating capacity for muscular exercise. Physical fitness is developed through physical-training-induced physiological adaptations and will be the primary emphasis of this …
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